Tools built for educators. Advanced platforms for real-time assessment, teaching analytics, and immersive learning.
An AI analytics platform for real-time assessment. Video interviews, admissions, and more.
AI-Served Assessment Platform for analyzing teaching multimedia for optimizing content delivery.
Custom-built metaverse environments for immersive and interactive eLearning experiences.
Tellus is an interactive AI assessment platform that empowers teachers through advanced insights.
Students can submit anytime, anywhere, and the system will perform preliminary assessment.
Auto transcription and analysis for keywords, content, presentation skills, and more.
Helps teachers assess answer coherence and relevance to the question.

A versatile tool for multiple use cases.
The AI-Served Assessment Platform helps teachers analyze multimedia teaching materials for better performance.

Powerful AI-powered analytics for course videos, audio clips, and forum content. Auto-transcripts can identify key words, topics, speaking patterns, and more. AI video analysis offers objective feedback on teacher delivery and performance.
Teachers can analyze their teaching videos and identify areas for improvement. ASAP also provides insight into student engagement via forum activities, helping teachers identify popular discussion topics, content statistics, and learner activities.

Utilizing virtual environments and technologies for eLearning.
Currently innovating language learning in custom-built virtual environments for role-play and remote interaction.
The immersive virtual environment can help students engage with their learning material in an entertaining format.
Inside the VR environment, students can interact with objects, draw 3D sketches, create models, roleplay, and play games.